
the feeling of total happiness around someone or something you are falling in love with or, someone or something you are already in love with.
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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Workout Wednesday (on thursday)

Can you see a theme here?  My posts are always a day late and a dolla short.  Whatever....  It's a lot of work keeping up with a blog.

Monday I did a killer leg workout and Tuesday I ran 2.62 miles.  Ya know, cause it totally makes sense to run the next day after a you toast your legs with a workout (insert confused emoticon).  Since I could no longer feel my legs come Wednesday it made sense to hit the gym and look for some guns!  Here is what happened....

Please ignore that it says May 23.  I promise it happened yesterday on Wednesday.  You can know this for certain because there is no way in hell this chick would be at the gym at 7:46 am!!

It was felt great...I now can't feel my arms or legs!

I am participating in Skinny Meg’s Workout Wednesday link-up today. Click on over to her blog to look around and find some great workout options!


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Just Keep Running.....

So...i'm not a runner!  I want to be a runner..oh how I want to be runner but alas, I am not.  I do try hard though.  And yesterday after lying on the couch for several hours I got my fat butt up and hit the pavement.  So here's the thing.  Ya know how you are running and running and your talking yourself the entire way, motivating your ass to keep running and finish?  Shut up...yes you do!!  And once you see the end you think, damn, I just did amazing and swear you must have run like 10 miles?  Ya, cause that's how I felt yesterday!  Like a frikin super hero.  I got back to my house and was all "ya, you killed that bitch!"  And then.....I looked at my phone and saw that ^^^ crap!  Sigh.  Seriously, I was pretty sure I had ran 10 miles!!  But no.  Only 2.62.  And at a 11:49 pace.  Ya, ya I know I didn't "run" the entire time so what did I excpect.  I had to stop and fast walk a couple times to catch my breath but damn!!  And I know some of you are like, shut up, that's almost 3 miles!  And yes, I am proud of that.  After all, I am lapping everyone sitting on the couch.  And there was a time when running 200 meters would have made me want to vomit.  But like I said....ima wannabe runner!  And frikin crap my legs are killin me today!  Ok, enough pity party.  All I can do is keep hitting it and improving right?  I got this!  So this is me yesterday after my run thanking the A/C gods for putting vents in my floor so I can just lay on them!

That's ugly runner face!  HA!  Oh, and see that super cute headband i'm wearing?  I made it!  Oh yes I did!  I had seen them around on quit a few blogs I stalk read and anyone who knows me KNOWS if I can make it myself it is happening.  And let me tell you!!!  That sucka didn't budge!!  Not even a little bit.  Where it is on my head in that cute picture ^^ is where it was after I ran my marathon 2.62 miles.  So I may or may not have a huge ribbon hoarding problem and may or may not be making up a bunch of them soon.  Hopefully I can add them to my etsy store for everyone to enjoy.  They are seriously the best thing since sliced bread!  (which of course we would NEVER eat!)
