
the feeling of total happiness around someone or something you are falling in love with or, someone or something you are already in love with.
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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Homemade Laundry Soap

We go through a ton of laundry soap in this house!  I seriously do a load of laundry a day.  And I got tired of buying overpriced laundry soap in the store.  This recipe makes a TON of laundry soap at a fraction of the cost.  I don't have a break down because I had a brain fart and forgot to add it up but if you do some searching on pinterest you can find that.  And when I make it again I will be sure to do an update here as to the cost.  Trust me though, it is cheaper to make yourself.  And this stuff is strong so you only have to use about 1-2 TBL in each load.  It lasts forever.  And my 13 year old boy came to me the other day and said, "mom, I love the smell of our laundry".  Now come on, you know it has to be good stuff ;)

Here are the items you will need:

  • Big box(4 lbs) of baking soda
  • Box of Washing soda
  • Box of Borax
  • 2 bars Fels-Naptha
  • Container of laundry crystals
The washing soda can sometimes be tricky to come across but I have found Walmart to be the best place to get it all.

The container you see with the finished soap was from Sam's and had pretzels in it.  I knew if I held onto those things they would come in handy.  It works for now but I will get a pretty glass jar to eventually keep it in.

Now you need to break down the Fels-Naptha soap.  I use my Ninja blender.  Cut the soap in chunks and put them in the blender.  Then let it do it's thing.  I have seen other people who use their food processor and some people will grate it like cheese.  Whatever works for you.  You just want to get the soap into tiny pieces.

Now the hard part....ready....

Dump everything into your container and mix!!!  Rocket science!

If you are really dirty you can add a container of Oxy Clean or a store brand Oxy Clean.

That's it!  And you have yourself a ton of great smelling laundry soap on the cheap.


  1. I've never thought of making my own laundry detergent before... very interesting. I like that it'll help my budget, too. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Yes, I will have to try this! I love baking soda everything! Thanks for sharing!
