
the feeling of total happiness around someone or something you are falling in love with or, someone or something you are already in love with.
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

DIY Custom Drawer Organizer

Yep, that is my utensil drawer.  Pretty isn't it?  And really safe with all those knives just thrown in there!  We have big drawers in this house which is wonderful but you have to have some sort of drawer organizer to corral the chaos!  Case in point is the picture above.  I know I could go out and buy drawer organizers but just didn't want the plastic or metal type.  And they can be up to $15.  And they still probably wouldn't fit as nice and tight in my drawer as I would like.  I want to utilize every square inch of my drawer.  I love, love the expanding bamboo ones like this.....

But really refuse to pay $30 for it!  It's wood for goodness sake.  So of course I headed to my guilty pleasure Pinterest and did a little drawer organizer search and discovered I could make this......

AAAAHHHH....perfect!  It was easy to make, fits my drawer just the way I want and cost me....wait for it....wait for it.....under $8!!

It is made with balsa wood that I picked up from Joann's.  And I used a 50% off coupon so got 5 pieces at $1.50 each.  Measure your drawer and figure out how you want your compartments to be.  Then I simply used a cheap miter box and saw to cut the pieces.

This is my absolute favorite wood glue!  It's very strong and dries fairly quickly.  You can find it at craft stores, home improvement stores and even Walmart.  

One piece at a time take a piece of the cut wood and run some glue along the edge and simply start putting your drawer organizer together like a jigsaw puzzle.  Let it dry completely and place in your drawer.  That's whats also great about this drawer organizer.  It looks like it is built in but it's not.  You can easily remove it to clean the bottom of your drawers.  I'm so happy with how it turned out!  Now only like 10 more drawers to go.

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