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Monday, March 18, 2013

Quinoa Chicken Fried Rice

I had a craving for Chinese food today.  More specifically chicken fried rice!  However, it is nasty out today.  I'm talking freezing cold, raining ice kinda nasty.  No way am I leaving this house.  And unfortunately chicken fried is NOT on my healthier eating plan.  So I got busy in the kitchen and came up with this delicious version using quinoa (pronounced KEEN-WAH).  Have you ever tried this amazing stuff?  Run, go get some NOW!!  Quinoa is usually considered a whole grain but is actually a seed.  It is prepared like you would other whole grains like rice and barley using a 2:1 ratio.  That's 2 parts liquid to 1 part quinoa.  It has all 9 essential amino acids making it a perfect protein.  It is also a gluten free and cholesterol free.  It doesn't have a real strong flavor so basically you can mix it with anything and everything!  Basically using it as a substitute to rice.  So here's the recipe:

Quinoa Chicken Fried Rice

2 Cups Quinoa
Coconut Oil
2 Eggs
1/4 Cup Scallions
1/2 Cup Diced Carrots
3-4 chicken tenderloins
1 Cup Peas
2 Tsp Garlic

Start by preparing you quinoa.  Use 2 parts of liquid (I use chicken broth for extra flavor) to 1 parts quinoa.  You will need enough for 2 cups of cooked quinoa.  Next, scramble your eggs in a skillet with a little oil.  I use coconut oil when cooking.  Put to the side.  Saute the carrots and scallions until tender.  Add them to eggs and put aside.  I then chop up the chicken tenderloins into little bite sized pieces.  Add them to the skillet with a little oil and saute until cooked through.  Add garlic and saute slightly.  Add 2 cups of quinoa to the chicken in the skillet and also add the egg, carrots, scallions and steamed peas.  I use the Steamfresh frozen peas you just pop in the microwave.  Mix it all together and add salt and pepper to taste.

If you are a soy sauce user but are on a gluten free diet, try using Tamari sauce.  It is only made from soy beans where as soy sauce can include wheat and it is 37% higher in protein.  And it tastes very similar to soy sauce.

Make this and I promise you won't miss the traditional chicken fried rice.  It is so good and my kiddos loved it!!  And I could feel good eating it.

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